
Showing posts from August, 2021


Forests Tropical Evergreen Forests : These forests are also called tropical rainforests. These thick forests occur in the regions near the equator and close to the tropics. These regions are hot and receive heavy rainfall throughout the year. As there is no particular dry season, the trees do not shed their leaves altogether. This is the reason they are called evergreen. The thick canopies of the closely spaced trees do not allow the sunlight to penetrate inside the forest even in the day time. Hardwood trees like rosewood, ebony, mahogany are common here. Tropical Deciduous Forests : Tropical deciduous are the monsoon forests found in the large part of India ,northern Australia and in central America .These regions experience seasonal changes. Trees shed their leaves in the dry season to conserve water. The hardwood trees found in these forests are Sal, teak and neem. Hardwood trees are extremely useful for making furniture, transport and constructional materials. Tigers, lions, eleph

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

 The type and thickness of natural vegetation varies from place to place because of the variation in these factors. Natural vegetation is generally classified in to three broad categories as follows: (a) Forests : Which grow where temperature and rainfall are plentiful to support a tree cover. Depending upon these factors, dense and open forests are grown. (b) Grasslands : Which grow in the region of moderate rain.  (c) Shrubs : Thorny shrubs and scrubs grow in the dry region. The changes in the type of natural vegetation occur mainly because of the changes of climatic condition. Let us get to know the different types of natural vegetation of the world with their characteristic features and wildlife inhabiting there.  Grasslands  Tropical Grasslands :  These occur on either side of the equator and extend till the tropics. This vegetation grows in the areas of moderate to low amount of rainfall. The grass can grow very tall, about 3 to 4 meters in height. Savannah grasslands of Africa a

Weather and Climate

Weather is this hour-to-hour, day to day condition of the atmosphere. A hot or humid weather may make one irritable. A pleasant, breezy weather may make one cheerful and even plan for an outing. Weather can change dramatically from day to day. However, the average weather condition of a place for a longer period of time represents the climate of a place. Temperature  The degree of hotness and coldness of the air is known as temperature. The temperature of the atmosphere changes not only between day and night but also from season to season. Summers are hotter than winters. An important factor that influences the distribution of temperature is insolation. Insolation is the incoming solar energy intercepted by the earth. The amount of insolation decreases from the equator towards the poles. Therefore, the temperature decreases in the same manner. If the earth’s temperature rises too high, it would become too warm for some crops to grow. Temperature in cities is much higher than that of vi


Our earth is surrounded by a huge blanket of air called atmosphere. All living beings on this earth depend on the atmosphere for their survival. It provides us the air we breathe and protects us from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays. Without this blanket of protection, we would be baked alive by the heat of the sun during day and get frozen during night. So it is this mass of air that has made the temperature on the earth livable. COMPOSITION OF THE ATMOSPHERE  Nitrogen and oxygen are two gases which make up the bulk of the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, helium, ozone, argon and hydrogen are found in lesser quantities. Apart from these gases, tiny dust particles are also present in the air. Nitrogen is the most plentiful gas in the air. When we inhale, we take some amount of nitrogen into our lungs and exhale it. But plants need nitrogen for their survival. They can not take nitrogen directly from the air. Bacteria, that live in the soil and roots of some plants, take nitrogen from t

Natural, Man-made and Human Environment

NATURAL ENVIRONMENT  Land, water, air, plants and animals comprise the natural environment. Land, water, air, plants and animals respectively create domains on Earth namely, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. Let us learn more about them.  Lithosphere is the solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth. It is made up of rocks and minerals and covered by a thin layer of soil. It is an irregular surface with various landforms such as mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys, etc. Landforms are found over the continents and also on the ocean floors. Lithosphere is the domain that provides us forests, grasslands for grazing, land for agriculture and human settlements. It is also a source of mineral wealth. The domain of water is referred to as hydrosphere . It comprises various sources of water and different types of water bodies like rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, etc. It is essential for all living organisms. The atmosphere is the thin layer of air that surrounds the earth

Let's Save Water

IMPORTANCE OF WATER  Water is the most precious gift of nature. It has no taste, no smell and no color. It is found everywhere and the other name of it is life because it is the basis of fluid element of living organisms. We find water in tanks, ponds, wells, rivers, rains, and springs. Almost three-fourth of the earth is water. We should save water by keeping safe the water resources, preventing its wasteful overuse, and conserving or protecting the water environment from any harm BENEFITS OF WATER  Without water nothing can live .Both animals and plants need water to live . It is the source of all life on Earth . Water is essential for most domestic purposes. We drink water, cook in water, bathe in water and wash in water. We use water to clean our clothes, utensils, floors, etc. The farmers need water for growing crops and plants. Further, industrial processes consume massive quantity of water. It is also used in generating hydro-electricity. WHY WE SHOULD SAVE WATER ? We should sav